Important Notices

Scheduled Maintenance

The LMS will be unavailable on Thursday, 16th of May between 6:00am and 8:00am.

We apologise for any inconvenience and will endeavour to have the system available again sooner, if at all possible.

Academic Integrity

At La Trobe, academic integrity is taken very seriously. The University is responsible for awarding credit for honestly conducted work. You also have responsibilities and understanding these will help you to succeed in your studies.

Statement of Student Responsibility

By submitting any piece of work you agree that:

  1. The work is your own or was produced as part of a group assessment task to which you contributed original work
  2. You have not previously submitted all or part of this work for assessment in any subject, unless the subject coordinator for the current subject (or your research supervisor, if applicable) has given you written permission to reuse specific material and you have correctly referenced the material taken from your own earlier work.
  3. You have read and agreed to be bound by the Statutes, Regulations and Policies of the University relating to Academic Integrity available at ; and
  4. You may be subject to student discipline processes in the event of an act of academic misconduct by you including an act of plagiarism or cheating.

Students further agree that all submitted written work may be subject to submission for textual similarity review to All submitted written work will be included as source documents in the reference database solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of such papers. Use of the service is subject to the Usage Policy posted on the site.
In case your submission contains personally identifiable information you should be aware that your submission will be stored in the United States.